This site is part of an ongoing project of mine to convert Marvel Comics' various "Ultimate" titles (Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, and The Ultimates, among others) to Green Ronin Publishing's Mutants and Masterminds role-playing system. It's not really that I plan on using these characters in a game or anything; I just enjoy seeing how close I can get to re-creating the characters as they appear on the comics page.

The conversions on this site are by no means intended to be considered final versions; I intend them to be "dynamic," being updated as information is revealed about the characters, as they display new uses of their super-powers, or just as people make suggestions that I like. Anything and everything about these conversions can be changed if the character's "official" depiction on the comics page warrants it. Not only do I welcome criticism and suggestions, I actively solicit them.

That said, if you have anything to contribute -- a feat you think a character should have, a different way of handling a power, or a question about why a skill or ability score is as high or as low as it is, I encourgage you to e-mail me. These may be my conversions, but everyone's input is appreciated.